Meklējiet, Salīdziniet un Ietaupiet
Airport Costa Smeralda, Rent A Car Area, Olbia, 07026 (Itālija)
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Autonoma Sardinija Olbia Lidosta

Sardīnija Olbia ir pilsēta Itālijā, kas notiek ar atrodas par galveno saikni starp Sardīniju un Itālijas kontinentālo daļu. Sardīnija Olbia lidosta ir galvenais reģionālās galamērķis gaisa lidojumu pasažieriem bara loģikai, lai valstī, kā arī zināmā atrašanās vieta, lai atrastu labākos piedāvājumus par automobiļu nomu. Pat savu laiku Itālijā būs ierobežota un naudu jums nav kaut kas jāņem viegli, mūsu mājas lapas palīdzēs jums atrast vislabāko Packages pilsētā pie pieņemamām maksām. Runājot par apskates objektiem, kuru jūs varat ieraudzīt Sardīnija Olbia tūrisma objektiem ir galvenā gabals sastāv no romāņu stila bijušais San Simplicio, viduslaiku katedrāle Church St Paul apustulis, un, protams, valsts arheoloģijas muzejs Itālijā. Pēc tam, kad jūs apmeklējat kādu no šīm vietām, jums atkal būs priecīgi par izvēli, izvēlas mūsu auto nomas iespēja pie Olbia lidosta .

Other important destinations that can be reached from Sardinia Olbia lidosta by car include the passenger port Olbia - Isola Bianca, the railway between Sardinia Olbia and Porto Torres, as well as an express going to Nuoro and Cagliari. The national roads of Italy that are going to take you there are called Sassari (SS199 - E840), Tempio Pausania (SS127) and Palau (SS125).

The massive complex of Sardinia Olbia lidosta is set apart from the town of Sardinia Olbia by a short 10 - minute car ride. If you don't mind a longer ride for longer reach into the outlying territories' destinations, you can drive down to the largely isolated island of Sardinia. Having chosen car hire as you means of transportation around Italy, you will not be disappointed by how much you can see in a single day of your visit in Sardinia Olbia and its neighboring areas. Another 30 - minute car ride can bring you to Porto Rotondo with its beautiful sights at the steep cliffs surrounding the town from multiple directions. A small way down the coast will bring you to Porto Cervo, another relaxing place to stay at. With its pleasant beaches and warm waters at Liscia Ruja, your choice to rent a car will end up having brought you endless joy from exploring parts of Italy you might not have known even existed.

Once the trip is over, you can let your experience and the vast Sardinian sightseeing experience settle in your mind while you enjoy a couple of pleasant meals from the local cuisine. If this is the plan you'd like to come to life on your next visit to Sardinia Olbia lidosta, take advantage of our website's most suitable car hire offers for brand new and reliable rentals.

Transportlīdzeklis Savākšanas


Klientu atsauksmes
Rezultāts: (4,8 no 5)
» Sardinija Olbia (3,8 km)
Olbia, 07026, Sardenga
» Ostao Rotondo (14,2 km)
Porto Rotondo, 07026
Via Sardegna, 89, San Teodoro, Italy, It, Sassari
» Abbiadori (22,1 km)
Via Abbiadori Snc, Abbiadori, 07021
» Cannigione (23,7 km)
Via Marco Polo Snc, Cannigione, Sardinia, 07020
» Ostao Cervo (26,3 km)
(piazzetta Clipper), Porto Cervo, 07020
» Budon (26,5 km)
Budoni, 08020
Baja Sardinia, 07021